News & Updates

Date Title
08 Jan 20 All B.Ed. Colleges/ Institutes (Regarding date extension of submission of Performance Appraisal Report (PAR))
08 Jan 20 Related to organizing quiz/ constitution knowledge competition on the occasion of Constitution 70th anniversary
07 Jan 20 Related to appointing teachers working in the College as practical examiner (All Aff. Colleges/ Institutes B.P.Ed. & M.P.Ed.)
07 Jan 20 Examination Centres of M.Ed two year Course (Main/Ex./Back Paper) Exam
07 Jan 20 All Aff. Colleges/ Institutes (Related to NAAC Accreditation)
07 Jan 20 Press release: Date extension of Practical/ Viva Voce for left out Students of B.Ed. I & II year 2017, 2018 & 2019
06 Jan 20 Revised Examination Programme for M.Phil (Genetics & Plant breeding) Course
06 Jan 20 Examination schedule of M.P.Ed. Ist Semester (Session 2019-20) for University Campus/ Aff. Colleges
06 Jan 20 All Aff. Colleges/ Institutes (Related to Examiner for Practical/ Viva Voce of B.Sc.(Home Science) Course)
06 Jan 20 Examination Programme/ Centre for MFA (Master of Fine Arts) Course Exam
06 Jan 20 Related to organise 'Orientation Lecture/ workshop for advertisement of 'SWAYAM Platform' in Aff. Colleges/ Institutes
06 Jan 20 Related to organizing the 'Padhe Meerut Badhe Meerut' campaign program
06 Jan 20 Related to Re-registration of institutions on National Scholarship Portal 2019-20
06 Jan 20 Press release: Exam Form for UG/PG Classes under Self Finance Scheme
06 Jan 20 Principal / Coordinator I.Q.A.C.- All Colleges / Institutions (workshop on Awareness of NAAC on 10 Jan 2020 )
06 Jan 20 Principal/ Director - All Colleges/ Institutes (Meerut District only) -Regarding organizing the 'Padhe Meerut Badhe Meerut' campaign program
04 Jan 20 Related to provide scholarship to NET qualified students from University Campus and Affiliated Colleges
04 Jan 20 All Dean/ Head of Department, Literary Cultural Council, University Campus & Principals- Aff. Colleges (Related to programme on Swami Vivekananda Jayanti)
04 Jan 20 Partially changed Examination programme for MBA(HA) & BBA(HA) Integrated I & III Sem. (for Main & Back paper. For University Campus, Dec 2019)
03 Jan 20 Examination Schedule for M.Ed. Course of Main/Ex./Back Paper Exam I, II Sem. of two year Course and Main Exam of III Sem. of two year Course
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