Student Welfare

The Dean, Students’ Welfare (DSW) is responsible for the welfare of the students in respect of scholarships, stipends, educational excursions and railway concessions for travel to home during summer and winter vacations. The DSW may also communicate with the parents/guardian of a student in respect of any matter, whenever necessary. The DSW also performs such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Executive Council or the Vice-Chancellor. The DSW is assisted by Assistant Deans, Students Welfare.
Chancellor's Camp Yojna
Under the Chancellor's Camp Yojna, a centre of coaching for preparing the students for Indian Civil Services, State Services, NET, SLET and other competitive examinations has been started this year. Under this programme, coaching will be provided by the faculty of the university departments and by other experts/administrators of repute.
On the initiative of the honourable Chancellor of the university, the Earn and Learn Scheme has been started from this year. The purpose of this scheme is to provide teaching opportunity and financial aid to the outstanding students belonging to all disciplines. The scheme will not only be helpful in sharpening the teaching skills of such students but will also provide them an opportunity to share their knowledge with fellow students. For undertaking the teaching work, the selected students will be given remuneration to help them pursue their studies.
Literary and Cultural Council
The Cultural Council consists of a Chairman, Coordinator and members under the partnership of Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor. The Cultural Council is responsible for the promotion of literary and cultural values among the students through various cultural programmes and competitions from time to time. The various programmes includes Poetry, Music, Dance, Painting, Debate, Acting, Singing, Story and Essay Writings, etc.
Designation | Name | Resume |
Dean Student Welfare | Prof. Bhupendra Singh | |
Assistant Dean, Students Welfare | Prof. P.K. Mishra | |
Assistant Dean, Students Welfare | Prof. Shiv Raj Singh | |
Assistant Dean, Students Welfare | Prof. Neelu Jain Gupta | |
Assistant Dean, Students Welfare | Prof. Anil Malik | |
Assistant Dean, Students Welfare | Dr. Y.P. Singh | |
Assistant Dean, Students Welfare | Dr. Santosh Prasad Singh | |
Assistant Dean, Students Welfare | Dr. Rahul Kumar |
- Admission/ Registration
- Examination
- Exam Schedule/ Revised Exam Schedule
- Result
- Hostel Registration
- Online Fees Payment for Campus Courses
- Campus Fee Payment
- Online Provisional & Migration Certificate
- OMR Keys, Sheet & Response
- Student Help Desk (Apply for Degree/ Marksheet/ Transcript) 'New'
- Answer Book Viewing & Challenge Evaluation
- Anti-Ragging
- Digital Library
- Conduct and Discipline
- Verify Certificate
- Student Council
- Women Cell
- Students Handbook
- छूटे हुए Practical/Viva की फीस
- Student Feedback Form
- Alumni's Feedback Form
- Parent's Feedback Form
- Employer's Feedback Form
Hostel accommodation cannot be claimed as a matter of right. The university has seven hostels (three for boys and two for girls and one for sports), which provide excellent hostel accommodation for a limited number of bonafide full-time students of the university departments who pay the required fees regularly. Three boys hostels have a total accomodation of 200 (114+50+36) rooms while the girls hostel has an accomodation of 186 rooms. While in the hostel, the students are responsible for the up keep of rooms, furnishing and fixtures. The university authorities may ask any inmate to vacate the hostel, if he/she is found indulged in any activity unbecoming of a student.
Admission to the hostels are made against the available vacant seats. Hostel seats are allotted by the Wardens of the hostels according to University Hostel Rules and U.P. Government reservation rules for SC/ST/OBC students.
In order to regulate community living in the hostel, certain rules have been framed for guidance of the students, as given below.
- The hostel will have to be vacated by the inmates during summer vacations for at least 15 days for repairs, etc. The dates will be notified by the wardens.
- Under no circumstance a student will be allowed to stay in the hostel after prescribed time.
- A hosteller will be given admission to a new course of study only after he/she vacates the room in his/her possession and produces before the admission committee a certificate to this effect issued by the warden.
- The students studying for diploma and certificate courses in Russian language and other such courses will not be provided hostel accommodation.
- M.Phil. students will vacate the hostel on completion of their project work.
- Students are supposed to conduct themselves with extremely good manners in and outside the hostels. Payments of hostel fees and dues, proper use of hostel facilities, common rooms and regulation regarding hostel visiting hours are some of the important points to be strictly adhered to by the hostellers.
The university has a gymnasium, wrestling stadium and excellent facilities for a number of indoor and outdoor games. The university is very well known in the country for its achievements in sports and games, and has produced a number of players of national and international levels. It regularly organizes athletic meets and inter-collegiate sports activities like wrestling, volleyball, basketball, hockey, cricket, etc.
Annual Sports Meet
Under the dynamic leadership of Professor Ramesh Chandra, our former Vice Chancellor, the University Sports Development Programme (USDP) under the In-charge ship of Prof. Om Singh was launched on the very first day of his joining in this university. It is his continued interest and guidance in the process of development of sports and games, which enabled successful organization of annual sports activity of the campus students on such a scale.
Appointment of Coaches and Sports officer
Keeping in view the demands of students, under the USDP, the university has appointed two coaches, namely Nirvan Singh and Prashant Upadhyaya, one sports co-ordinator- cum-coach, Devendra Kumar and a Sports Officer, Dr. G.S. Ruhal. These appointments will help in the development of sports and games in the campus, which is so essential for the overall development of their personality.
India, the land of Ganga, Gautam and Gandhi, known as the spiritual teacher of the World, has always been glorifying inner piety, peace and perfection which can be achieved through the worship of God and service of mankind. Both the National Service Scheme (NSS) and the UNICEF are the organizations that are dedicated to the upliftment and service of the people especially women and children. After passing through various committees and conferences from 1950 onwards on the recommendation of Dr. C.D. Deshmukh, Prof. K.G. Saiyidain and Dr. D.S. Kothari, the National Service Scheme was launched on September 24,1969 by Dr. VKRV Rao the Education minister of India at that time. It was very significant that this scheme was started during the Gandhi Centenary Year, as it was Gandhiji who inspired the Indian youth to participate in the movement for Indian independence and the social uplift of the down-trodden masses of the country.
The father of the Nation was of the view that "the first duty of the students should be, not to treat their period of study as one of the opportunities for indulgence in the intellectual luxury, but for preparing themselves for final dedication in the service of those on whose back they were resting." He expected of the students to do" something positive so that the life of the villagers might be raised to a higher material and moral level."
The activities undertaken under the National Service Scheme (NSS) have included environmental enrichment and conservation, health, family welfare and nutrition programmes; awareness creation programmes for the rights and status of women; works like rodent control and pest management; weed control, soil testing and soil health care; promotion of co-operative societies; non formal education; and assistance to local authorities in relief and rehabilitation work during the natural calamities and natural emergencies. These activities are done by an NSS unit of 100 volunteers throughout the academic session under Normal activities programme during the prescribed period of 120 hours of social service.
During these programmes the volunteers bear in mind the motto of NSS-"NOT ME BUT YOU"- and a badge on his or her breast. The badge was designed after the wheel of the Konark Sun God Temple that inspires the volunteers for social service. This scheme is jointly sponsored and supervised by the Department of Youth Affair and Sports, Ministry of Human Resource development (now Ministry of Culture, Youth Affair and Sports) Government of India and State Government through the 888 NSS regional Center and the NSS Cell of the State Secretariat. Under the governance and guidance of the Vice-Chancellor, the Programme Co-ordinator gets the programme organized at the college level through the programme Officers who work with the consent and approval of their principals. From time to time the programme officers are trained by the Training Orientation and Research Centers (TORC's) and Training and orientation Centers (TOC's) of the respective states and universities.
The objective of NSS-"development of the personality of student through community service"- is ought to be achieved by enabling the student to:
- Understand the community in which they work.
- Understand to themselves in relation to their community.
- Identify the needs and problems in the community in the solution of which they can involved.
- Develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility.
- Apply their education in finding practical solution to individual and community problems.
- Develop competence required for group living and sharing responsibility.
- Gain skills in mobilising community participation.
- Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude.
- Practise national integration.
Special Activities
Blood donation
Blood donation has become a permanent feature of the NSS activities in this university. Almost all the volunteers are inspired to donate blood through orientation camps and informal meetings.
Following are the colleges whose volunteers have been the regular donors of blood to Red Cross
- V.M.L.G. College, Ghaziabad.
- L.R College, Shaibabad (Ghaziabad).
- M.M. College Modinagar (Ghaziabad)
- A.S. College, Lakhaoti (Bulandshahr)
- Shri Shaligram Sharma Smarak(P.G) College , Rasna (Meerut)
- B.S.M College, Roorkee (now in Uttarakhand)
- R.G College, Meerut
Plantation has always been a very important item on the agenda of the N.S.S all over the country. This university has organized several symposia, seminars, workshops, orientation programmes discussing the causes and consequences of environmental degradation and encouraging plantation. Our scholarly, dynamic and enthusiastic Vice-chancellor, Dr. R.P. Singh in the N.S.S meetings and programmes has always demanded some concrete work from the organization to protect our environment and encourage plantation. Brigadier R.K. Singh (Retd), a well known environmentalist of northern India, through his informative lectures/talks and "nature Club" magazine has been discouraging the use of Polythene and encouraging plantation for several years. As per reports (2001-2002) received from the colleges so far the N.S.S units have planted more than 15000 plants during this year.